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Restore the 0L Network database to get up-to-date with the current state of the network. The epoch-archive-mainnet repository contains other useful commands that are out of the scope of this tutorial but are easily accessible in the readme file of the repository and its Makefile.



You will need an account and libra configuration to use this tool. If you don't have an account yet, you can use the following command to create one. Make sure to store your mnemonics!

libra wallet keygen

Initialize configs

Currently, you need to sync as a full node. To do that you need to initialize fullnode.yaml in ~/.libra/fullnode.yaml. Use the following command to generate the fullnode.yaml file:

libra config fullnode-init

Update upstream node

Set your client libra.yaml with the rpc-load-balancer upstream node

libra config fix --force-url

Clone and build the epoch-archive-mainnet repository

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/epoch-archive-mainnet
make bins

Sync as a Fullnode


You will need to open port 6182

Get the latest state of the chain

make restore-all

Start as a fullnode (or vfn or validator node depending on your need)

The following example starts the node as a fullnode by providing the fullnode.yaml as its config option:

libra node --config-path ~/.libra/fullnode.yaml


You can check that you are syncing by checking that your ledger_version and block_height are increasing via the API endpoint

watch 'curl localhost:8080/v1/ | jq'

Response example:

"chain_id": 2,
"epoch": "700",
"ledger_version": "3322278",
"oldest_ledger_version": "3316234",
"ledger_timestamp": "1699327458805056",
"node_role": "full_node",
"oldest_block_height": "1581950",
"block_height": "1584970",
"git_hash": "bafac94d6edd39d972729db21156d47758eb8969"

How to clean the database and sync to the latest state again?

The following instructions will remove your existing ~/.libra/data/db/ directory and also update the epoch-archive.yaml file with the latest waypoint. You can study the Makefile in the epoch-archive-mainnet repository to fine-tune and understand its instructions better.

cd ~/epoch-archive-mainnet
make wipe-db && make restore-all